C.M. Allaire Log Homes

Log Jam Chinking

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Product Details

Log Jam Chinking

Log Jam Chinking by Sashco is a synthetic chinking which will maintain a strong bond with your logs. With its superior elasticity, Log Jam will seal tight your log cabin home for years to come.

Log Jam is textured to look like the rustic mortar used in old time log cabins. But it will not dry or crumble. Instead, it will remain soft and pliable in all weather conditions. In fact, Log Jam will stretch up to 250% of its joint size, moving as your logs expand, contract and settle.

Log Jam is best used with compatible stains. It has a lifetime warranty when applied over the following Sashco Products: Capture, Cascade, Transformation Log & Timber and Symphony Interior Clear Coat. If you have any questions about stain compatibility, you should contact Sashco before the doing the job.

Weather conditions are important when chinking a log home. Warm, dry days are best, with log surface temperatures between 40-degrees and 90-degrees. Try to avoid direct sunlight as well. To avoid blistering, protect fresh chinking from direct sunlight with white plastic sheeting for one to two days after application.

It is also important to install backer rod between log joints prior to chinking. This bond breaker should be applied so that the depth of the chinking is roughly one half the width of the joint. However, the depth should be no less than ¼” and no more than ½.” For best adhesion, log surfaces should be clean and dust free.

There are eight Sashco Log Jam Chinking colors to choose from. These colors range from white and gray tones to shades of light brown and dark brown.


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