C.M. Allaire Log Homes

Caulking & Chinking

Choosing the right caulking or chinking for your log home is essential to maintaining its beauty and structural integrity. At American Log Home Care, we proudly offer three exceptional products from Sashco, trusted by log home owners everywhere.

For gaps less than 2 inches wide, Log Builder Caulk and Conceal Caulk are top-notch options. Log Builder delivers a smooth, clean finish for a polished look, while Conceal mimics the natural texture of wood, blending seamlessly with the rustic aesthetic of your logs.

For gaps 2 inches or wider, Log Jam Chinking is the ideal choice. Designed for larger joints, Log Jam not only provides a durable seal but also enhances your home’s charm with its rustic, textured finish.

To ensure long-lasting results, use a backer rod for larger cracks. This creates a bond break, improving the elasticity of the caulking or chinking, and allowing it to adapt to the natural movement of your logs. With the right products and preparation, sealing your log cabin becomes a straightforward and effective process.


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